About Tentmaker Equity

Tentmaker Equity provides quality housing for residents by earnestly and consistently serving sellers, brokers, vendors and ministry partners.

Four Core Values

  • We want to serve everyone we come in contact with; from brokers to vendors to lenders, there’s always a way we can serve someone and we constantly look for it.

  • There’s never a time that we are not growing in knowledge or in character, so we’ve taken on the pursuit of life-long learning and we believe we can be the student of anyone.

  • While grace abounds, truth remains. We cannot do business without operating out of honesty and integrity. You can be confident, there’s nothing hidden when you work with us. We do not cut corners and we will push those we work with to do the same.

  • In every business relationship, it is our job to find the common goal and to align both parties to it. Nothing would delight us more than to work together on the same team so all parties come out on top.

Karli Ring - Founder

In 2019, a friend asked me a wonderful question: “When you’re old and at the end of your life, what would you want to say if someone asks you, what was your biggest accomplishment?” I answered, “I would want to say I learned what it meant to be fully and daily satisfied in Christ and invested all I had to build the kingdom of God.”

Born out of this lifelong pursuit, Tentmaker Equity was created with an eternal perspective and fully believes the words of Jesus when he says:

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

This is why our eyes are focused, not on our earning potential but, on our giving potential. There’s little other investment vehicles that would provide such giving potential as value-add multifamily real estate. Thus, we want to lay up treasures for ourselves in heaven by actively providing quality housing and, with our earnings, give to missionaries who rely on the financial support of others so that they can spread the love of Jesus to those who do not yet know him.